Privacy Policy

All About Care Carers fully comply with the UK’s Data Protection Act of 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation of 2018. A condition of the Regulation is that we explicitly inform you about the personal information we collect about you, how we use it, and to whom it may be passed.

We collect details such as your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, relevant health and medical information and details of whom we should contact in the event of an emergency and how to contact them. Information about your property and any equipment you have in place to ensure we can support you safely in your own home.

We will use this information to provide the agreed care services to you. This will include administering our accounts, issuing invoices, and monitoring payments for those services and also enable us to deal with any queries or complaints. We will maintain records for our own administration and to comply with our contractual, statutory, and any other legal obligations in relation to our business.

Your information will be shared with the relevant members of our staff including carers who need to know this information in order to provide our services to you and office personnel involved in the management and administration of your care services.

We are aware of the importance and legal responsibility of keeping this information secure and confidential. We will ensure that our processes are appropriately managed to minimize any risk of a breach of any information gathered. 

We will not use this information for any other purpose than outlined above and we will not disclose it to any other person or organisation without your express consent. We will share information with other health care professionals with your consent or in a case that is determined to be in your best interests. 
An exception to this is the CQC who are authorized to inspect our premises and in doing so view documents and files that contain personal data